James Hearn James Hearn

Effective Altruism

Of course, the other more fundamental benefit of quality products is that it encourages many to become more involved in serious issues we face as a society.

It’s not quite certain where the term Altruism came from. Many refer to the French Philosopher Auguste Comte as the first user of the phrase derived from the word ‘altruisme’ meaning the antonym of egoism but simply put - Altruism is a concern and focus on the happiness of others. 

The difficulty for many in a booming capitalist economy is that it’s incredibly hard to see past your own happiness and the maintenance of it. Particularly for corporate business across the country, the necessity to outstrip your peers, pay your ‘share-holders’, avoid as much tax as possible and personally climb the ladder to be ‘successful’ is all too plain to see. 

There is no issue in this pursuit and, for many, it is a necessary part of a happy life. However, in a world where many are not so lucky to be afforded the opportunity, it’s more important than ever to try and harness altruistic principles and help those less fortunate. 

Many businesses and people have begun looking to this. The B Corp structures ensure that process and delivery in private businesses meet a rigorous ethical standard. Companies like Ecosia donate 80% of profits to their tree initiative and Ocean Bottle use their profits to clean up beach plastic. 

The key component to this is that the products and services provided are of an excellent standard. Those who wish to be involved in making a difference may do so without an enormous change or scrimping on quality. They may still protect their own happiness. 

Of course, the other more fundamental benefit of quality products is that it encourages buyers to become more involved in serious issues we face as a society. The more awareness that is raised through innovative businesses, the better for all. 

One-Grain was founded to join this idea of effective Altruism and allow people to make a difference to those who need it the most. It is the very beginning of the journey but there is no doubt it will effective the lives of many and we need your help!

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James Hearn James Hearn

This is why.

‘Tell your friends, your family and your colleagues that a difference is only a matter of clicks away!’

There are many key aspects to a happy and fulfilled life, too many in truth to tell in this first instalment of the Rice Report. However, it is important to recognise that these aspects have a hierarchy and indeed, without protecting the core aspects and functions, some may not take advantage of the others. 

To enjoy any of life’s opportunities, freedoms and joys, you must, by very necessity, be alive. That requires sustenance, shelter and warmth. The United Kingdom and the World has struggled desperately to offer even these necessities to the masses. It’s simple to sit in a position of relative privilege and pine on the solutions before posting a tokenary gesture of your concern but the reality is that this won’t change the world. It won’t really help those people that need it and it won’t inspire others to do so. 

The reason One-Grain exists is so that you, the user, may make a difference every day. You will be active in this battle against the poverty we see today and you play a part in feeding those who aren’t so fortunate. 

This is the beginning, with plenty to come, but tell your friends, your family and your colleagues that a difference is only a matter of clicks away.


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